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vBulletin 3.х Раздел о vBulletin и всем что касается этого скрипта

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Старый 12.02.2011, 14:33 Вверх   #1
Аватар для valera3680
valera3680 вне форума
Доп. информация
По умолчанию Обнаружилась ошибка, помогите!

Совсем недавно обнаружилась ошибка такого плана -
/htdocs/www/forum/includes/class_postbit.php(294) : eval()'d code on line 27
Проявляется следующим образом.
Заходим в любой раздел.
Видим тему в которой уже написали более одной страницы.
При попытке войти на первую страницу и выскакивает эта ошибка, если входить к примеру на 2-ю, 3-юю и т.д. страницу, то никаких ошибок нет.

Попросил помощи у одного умельца, он сказал, что ошибка глубоко в скрипте.
Теперь не знаю, что и делать.

Пожалуйста, помогите. =(
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Старый 12.02.2011, 15:36 Вверх   #2
Аватар для Злой
Злой вне форума
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По умолчанию

А что тут не понятного, открой файл /htdocs/www/forum/includes/class_postbit.php
на 27 строке будет функция eval(), нужно смотреть что ей скармливается, и от этого отталкиваться в решении проблемы.
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Старый 12.02.2011, 16:15 Вверх   #3
Коварный тип
Аватар для Serberg
Serberg вне форума
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По умолчанию

valera3680, вырубай все хаки и радуйся нормальной жизни. ) Уверен на 98% что поставил какой нить кривой хак, который дает эту ошибку.
  Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.02.2011, 16:53 Вверх   #4
Аватар для Sampler
Sampler вне форума
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По умолчанию

Serberg, просто, мне кажется, он не залил файлы на фтп, например от хака спасибо

valera3680, залей файлы на фтп и радуйся ))
  Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.02.2011, 17:38 Вверх   #5
Аватар для valera3680
valera3680 вне форума
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По умолчанию

Цитата Сообщение от Serberg Посмотреть сообщение
valera3680, вырубай все хаки и радуйся нормальной жизни. ) Уверен на 98% что поставил какой нить кривой хак, который дает эту ошибку.
Проблема появилась после замены шаблона.
Ранее ставил какие то хаки, на прошлом шаблоне все работало, на новом эта ошибка, по крайней мере мне так показалось.
Хаки все вырубил, все равно выскакивает ошибка.

Возможно ошибка вызвана тем, что при установке некоторых хаков приходилось вносить изменения в файлы, т.е. заменять код.

Код 27-й строки;
define('POST_SHOW_AGE', 1);

Что он значит не знаю.Я не разбираюсь в этом.
  Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.02.2011, 20:18 Вверх   #6
Аватар для Slavok47
Slavok47 вне форума
Доп. информация
По умолчанию

Цитата Сообщение от valera3680 Посмотреть сообщение
приходилось вносить изменения в файлы, т.е. заменять код
где именно? в файлах хаков или булки?
  Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.02.2011, 20:34 Вверх   #7
Коварный тип
Аватар для Serberg
Serberg вне форума
Доп. информация
По умолчанию

Цитата Сообщение от valera3680 Посмотреть сообщение
define('POST_SHOW_AGE', 1);

Что он значит не знаю.Я не разбираюсь в этом.
Показывать дату рождения в а постбите это значит. Поставь на 0 и посмотри что будет.
  Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.02.2011, 21:35 Вверх   #8
Аватар для valera3680
valera3680 вне форума
Доп. информация
По умолчанию

Цитата Сообщение от slavok47 Посмотреть сообщение
где именно? в файлах хаков или булки?
В файлах булки.

Цитата Сообщение от Serberg Посмотреть сообщение
Показывать дату рождения в а постбите это значит. Поставь на 0 и посмотри что будет.
Поставил на 0, ничего не изменилось.

Там кстати ниже 27-ой строки идет похожий код, наверное это какая то одна и та же процедура.

Вот весь код, может кто то поймет в чем проблема.
Нажми для просмотра
|| #################################################################### ||
|| # vBulletin 3.8.4 Patch Level 2
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ©2000-2009 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
|| # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # ||
|| #################################################################### ||

if (!isset($GLOBALS['vbulletin']->db))

* Require additional library files
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_reputation.php');

* Bitfield value which determines whether a user's age should be displayed with their post.
define('POST_SHOW_AGE', 0);

* Bitfield value which determines whether a user's reputation power should be displayed with their post.
define('POST_SHOW_REPPOWER', 2);

* Bitfield value which determined whether a user sees another user' infractions

* Postbit factory object
* @package vBulletin
* @version $Revision: 31363 $
* @date $Date: 2009-06-29 12:16:16 -0500 (Mon, 29 Jun 2009) $
class vB_Postbit_Factory
* Main data registry
* @var vB_Registry
var $registry = null;

* Information about the forum this post is in (if applicable)
* @var array
var $forum = null;

* Information about the thread this post is in (if applicable)
* @var array
var $thread = null;

* Cache of elements specific to these posts (eg, sig caching)
* @var array
var $cache = null;

* Parses BB codes. Required if the class does anything related to BB code parsing!
* @var vB_BbCodeParser
var $bbcode_parser = null;

* Fetches the specified postbit object and sets up its default state
* @param string Type of postbit to retrieve
* @return vB_Postbit Object of a class inherited from vB_Postbit
function &fetch_postbit($postbit_type)
$handled_type = false;
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('postbit_factory')) ? eval($hook) : false;

if (!$handled_type)
switch ($postbit_type)
case 'post':
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Post();
if ($this->registry->options['legacypostbit'])
$out->templatename = 'postbit_legacy';

case 'announcement':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Announcement();

case 'pm':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Pm();

case 'usernote':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Usernote();

case 'external':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_External();

case 'post_ignore':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Post_Ignore();

case 'post_global_ignore':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Post_Global_Ignore();

case 'post_deleted':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Post_Deleted();

case 'auto_moderated':
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit_alt.php');
$out =& new vB_Postbit_Post_AutoModerated();

trigger_error('vB_Postbit_Factory::fetch_postbit(): Invalid postbit type.', E_USER_ERROR);

$out->registry =& $this->registry;
$out->forum =& $this->forum;
$out->thread =& $this->thread;
$out->cache =& $this->cache;
$out->bbcode_parser =& $this->bbcode_parser;

return $out;

* Generic Postbit object. This is abstract. You may not instantiate it directly.
* @package vBulletin
* @version $Revision: 31363 $
* @date $Date: 2009-06-29 12:16:16 -0500 (Mon, 29 Jun 2009) $
class vB_Postbit
* Elements of the post.
* @var array
var $post = array();

* The name of the template that will be used to display this post.
* @var string
var $templatename = 'postbit';

* Main data registry
* @var vB_Registry
var $registry = null;

* Information about the forum this post is in (if applicable)
* @var array
var $forum = array();

* Information about the thread this post is in (if applicable)
* @var array
var $thread = array();

* Cache of elements specific to these posts (eg, sig caching)
* @var array
var $cache = array();

* Parses BB codes. Required if the class does anything related to BB code parsing!
* @var vB_BbCodeParser
var $bbcode_parser = null;

* Array of data about the signature in this post for caching
* @var array
var $sig_cache = array();

* Constructor. Prevents direct instantiation.
function vB_Postbit()
if (!is_subclass_of($this, 'vB_Postbit'))
trigger_error('Direct instantiation of vB_Postbit class prohibited. Use the vB_Postbit_Factory class.', E_USER_ERROR);

* Template method. Calls all the appropriate methods to build a post and then evaluates the template.
* @param array Post information
* @return string HTML for the post
function construct_postbit(&$post)
$this->post =& $post;
$thread =& $this->thread;
$forum =& $this->forum;

// make sure we can display this post
if ($this->is_displayable() == false)
return '';

global $show, $vbphrase, $stylevar;
global $spacer_open, $spacer_close;

global $bgclass, $altbgclass;

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('postbit_display_start')) ? eval($hook) : false;

// put together each part of the post


if (!empty($this->post['userid']))

$this->bbcode_parser->containerid = $this->post['postid'];


// finish prepping the post

// execute hook
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('postbit_display_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false;

if ($post['isfirstshown'])
eval('$ad_location[\'ad_showthread_firstpost_start\'] = "' . fetch_template('ad_showthread_firstpost_start') . '";');
eval('$ad_location[\'ad_showthread_firstpost_sig\'] = "' . fetch_template('ad_showthread_firstpost_sig') . '";');

// evaluate template
$postid =& $post['postid'];
eval('$postbit = "' . fetch_template($this->templatename) . '";');

eval('$retval = "' . fetch_template('postbit_wrapper') . '";');

return $retval;

* Determines whether the post should actually be displayed.
* @return bool True if the post should be displayed; false otherwise
function is_displayable()
// hide users in Coventry from non-staff members
if ($tachyuser = in_coventry($this->post['userid']) AND !can_moderate($this->thread['forumid']))
return false;
return true;

* Processes the date information and determines whether the post is new or old
function process_date_status()
global $vbphrase, $firstnew;

// get new/old post statusicon
// this is also needed by ignored and deleted posts as they should show read/unread status as well (if you can see them)
if (!empty($this->thread))
if (isset($this->thread['threadview']))
$lastvisit = $this->thread['threadview'];
else if ($this->registry->options['threadmarking'] AND $this->registry->userinfo['userid'])
$threadview = max($this->thread['threadread'], $this->thread['forumread'], TIMENOW - ($this->registry->options['markinglimit'] * 86400));
$lastvisit = $this->thread['threadview'] = intval($threadview);
else if (($tview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $threadid)) > $this->registry->userinfo['lastvisit'])
$lastvisit = $this->thread['threadview'] = intval($tview);
$lastvisit = $this->registry->userinfo['lastvisit'];
$lastvisit = $this->registry->userinfo['lastvisit'];

if ($this->post['dateline'] > $lastvisit)
$this->post['statusicon'] = 'new';
$this->post['statustitle'] = $vbphrase['unread_date'];
if (!$firstnew)
$firstnew = $this->post['postid'];
$this->post['firstnewinsert' ] = '<a name="newpost"></a>';
$this->post['firstnewinsert'] = '';
$this->post['statusicon'] = 'old';
$this->post['statustitle'] = $vbphrase['old'];
$this->post['firstnewinsert'] = '';

// format date/time
$this->post['postdate'] = vbdate($this->registry->options['dateformat'], $this->post['dateline'], true);
$this->post['posttime'] = vbdate($this->registry->options['timeformat'], $this->post['dateline']);

* Processes any attachments to this post.
function process_attachments()
global $stylevar, $show, $vbphrase;
$post =& $this->post; // for the templates

$forumperms = fetch_permissions($this->thread['forumid']);

if (is_array($this->post['attachments']))
$show['modattachmentlink'] = (can_moderate($this->forum['forumid'], 'canmoderateattachments') OR $this->post['userid'] == $this->registry->userinfo['userid']);
$show['attachments'] = true;
$show['moderatedattachment'] = $show['thumbnailattachment'] = $show['otherattachment'] = false;
$show['imageattachment'] = $show['imageattachmentlink'] = false;

$attachcount = sizeof($this->post['attachments']);
$thumbcount = 0;

if (!$this->registry->options['attachthumbs'] AND !$this->registry->options['viewattachedimages'])
$showimagesprev = $this->registry->userinfo['showimages'];
$this->registry->userinfo['showimages'] = false;

foreach ($this->post['attachments'] AS $attachmentid => $attachment)
if ($attachment['thumbnail_filesize'] == $attachment['filesize'])
// This is an image that is already thumbnail sized..
$attachment['hasthumbnail'] = 0;
$attachment['forceimage'] = $this->registry->userinfo['showimages'];

$show['newwindow'] = $attachment['newwindow'];

$attachment['filename'] = fetch_censored_text(htmlspecialchars_uni($attachment['filename']));
$attachment['attachmentextension'] = strtolower(file_extension($attachment['filename']));
$attachment['filesize'] = vb_number_format($attachment['filesize'], 1, true);

if ($stylevar['dirmark'])
$attachment['filename'] .= $stylevar['dirmark'];

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('postbit_attachment')) ? eval($hook) : false;

if ($attachment['visible'])
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'external')
$attachment['counter'] = $vbphrase['n_a'];
$show['views'] = false;
$show['views'] = true;

$lightbox_extensions = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'png', 'bmp');
case 'gif':
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
case 'jpe':
case 'png':
case 'bmp':
case 'tiff':
case 'tif':
case 'psd':
case 'pdf':
if (!$this->registry->userinfo['showimages'])
// Special case for PDF - don't list it as an 'image'
if ($attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'pdf')
eval('$this->post[\'otherattachments\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachment') . '";');
$show['otherattachment'] = true;
eval('$this->post[\'imageattachmentlinks\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachment') . '";');
$show['imageattachmentlink'] = true;
else if ($this->registry->options['attachthumbs'])
if ($attachment['hasthumbnail'])
if ($this->registry->options['attachrow'] AND $thumbcount >= $this->registry->options['attachrow'])
$thumbcount = 0;
$show['br'] = true;
$show['br'] = false;

$show['cangetattachment'] = (($forumperms & $this->registry->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['cangetattachment']) AND in_array($attachment['attachmentextension'], $lightbox_extensions));
eval('$this->post[\'thumbnailattachments\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachmentthumbnail') . '";');
$show['thumbnailattachment'] = true;
else if (!in_array($attachment['attachmentextension'], array('tiff', 'tif', 'psd', 'pdf')) AND $attachment['forceimage'])
eval('$this->post[\'imageattachments\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachmentimage') . '";');
$show['imageattachment'] = true;
// Special case for PDF - don't list it as an 'image'
if ($attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'pdf')
eval('$this->post[\'otherattachments\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachment') . '";');
$show['otherattachment'] = true;
eval('$this->post[\'imageattachmentlinks\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachment') . '";');
$show['imageattachmentlink'] = true;
else if (!in_array($attachment['attachmentextension'], array('tiff', 'tif', 'psd', 'pdf')) AND ($this->registry->options['viewattachedimages'] == 1 OR ($this->registry->options['viewattachedimages'] == 2 AND $attachcount == 1)))
eval('$this->post[\'imageattachments\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachmentimage') . '";');
$show['imageattachment'] = true;
eval('$this->post[\'imageattachmentlinks\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachment') . '";');
$show['imageattachmentlink'] = true;
eval('$this->post[\'otherattachments\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachment') . '";');
$show['otherattachment'] = true;
eval('$this->post[\'moderatedattachments\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_attachmentmoderated') . '";');
$show['moderatedattachment'] = true;
if (!$this->registry->options['attachthumbs'] AND !$this->registry->options['viewattachedimages'])
$this->registry->userinfo['showimages'] = $showimagesprev;
$show['attachments'] = false;

* Processes "edited by" info.
function process_edit_info()
global $show;

if (!is_null($this->post['edit_userid']))
$this->post['edit_date'] = vbdate($this->registry->options['dateformat'], $this->post['edit_dateline'], true);
$this->post['edit_time'] = vbdate($this->registry->options['timeformat'], $this->post['edit_dateline']);
$show['postedited'] = true;

if ($this->post['hashistory'] AND $this->registry->options['postedithistory'])
// people who can edit the post can see the history... we also assume that you
// can see the full version of the post, meaning the deleted checks are uneeded
$owner_edit = (
AND $this->post['userid'] == $this->registry->userinfo['userid']
AND fetch_permissions($this->thread['forumid']) & $this->registry->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['caneditpost']
$this->registry->options['edittimelimit'] == 0
OR $this->post['dateline'] >= (TIMENOW - ($this->registry->options['edittimelimit'] * 60))

$show['postedithistory'] = ($owner_edit OR can_moderate($this->thread['forumid'], 'caneditposts'));
$show['postedithistory'] = false;
$show['postedited'] = false;
$show['postedithistory'] = false;

* Processes the post's icon.
function process_icon()
global $show, $vbphrase;

if (!$this->forum['allowicons'] OR $this->post['iconid'] == 0)
if (!empty($this->registry->options['showdeficon']))
$this->post['iconpath'] = $this->registry->options['showdeficon'];
$this->post['icontitle'] = $vbphrase['default'];

$show['messageicon'] = !empty($this->post['iconpath']);

* Processes this post's user info assuming the user is registered.
function process_registered_user()
global $show, $vbphrase;
$post =& $this->post; // this is a stopgap required for rank's eval code


// get online status
fetch_online_status($this->post, true);

if (empty($this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]))
$this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']] = cache_permissions($this->post, false);

// get avatar
if ($this->post['avatarid'])
$this->post['avatarurl'] = $this->post['avatarpath'];
if ($this->post['hascustomavatar'] AND $this->registry->options['avatarenabled'])
if ($this->registry->options['usefileavatar'])
$this->post['avatarurl'] = $this->registry->options['avatarurl'] . '/avatar' . $this->post['userid'] . '_' . $this->post['avatarrevision'] . '.gif';
$this->post['avatarurl'] = 'image.php?' . $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $this->post['userid'] . '&amp;dateline=' . $this->post['avatardateline'];
if ($this->post['avwidth'] AND $this->post['avheight'])
$this->post['avwidth'] = 'width="' . $this->post['avwidth'] . '"';
$this->post['avheight'] = 'height="' . $this->post['avheight'] . '"';
$this->post['avwidth'] = '';
$this->post['avheight'] = '';
$this->post['avatarurl'] = '';

if ( // no avatar defined for this user
OR // visitor doesn't want to see avatars
($this->registry->userinfo['userid'] > 0 AND !$this->registry->userinfo['showavatars'])
OR // user has a custom avatar but no permission to display it
(!$this->post['avatarid'] AND !($this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canuseavatar']) AND !$this->post['adminavatar']) //
$show['avatar'] = false;
$show['avatar'] = true;

// Generate Reputation Power
if ($this->registry->options['postelements'] & POST_SHOW_REPPOWER AND $this->registry->options['reputationenable'])
if (!empty($this->cache['reppower'][$this->post['userid']]))
$this->post['reppower'] = $this->cache['reppower'][$this->post['userid']];
$this->post['reppower'] = fetch_reppower($this->post, $this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]);
$this->cache['reppower'][$this->post['userid']] = $this->post['reppower'];
$show['reppower'] = true;
$show['reppower'] = false;

// get reputation
if ($this->registry->options['reputationenable'])
fetch_reputation_image($this->post, $this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]);
$show['reputation'] = true;
$show['reputation'] = false;

// get join date & posts per day
$jointime = (TIMENOW - $this->post['joindate']) / 86400; // Days Joined
if ($jointime < 1)
// User has been a member for less than one day.
$this->post['postsperday'] = $this->post['posts'];
$this->post['postsperday'] = vb_number_format($this->post['posts'] / $jointime, 2);
$this->post['joindate'] = vbdate($this->registry->options['registereddateformat'], $this->post['joindate']);

// format posts number
$this->post['posts'] = vb_number_format($this->post['posts']);

$show['profile'] = true;
$show['search'] = true;
$show['buddy'] = true;
$show['emaillink'] = (
$this->post['showemail'] AND $this->registry->options['displayemails'] AND (
!$this->registry->options['secureemail'] OR (
$this->registry->options['secureemail'] AND $this->registry->options['enableemail']
) AND $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canemailmember']
AND $this->registry->userinfo['userid']
$show['homepage'] = ($this->post['homepage'] != '' AND $this->post['homepage'] != 'http://');
$show['pmlink'] = ($this->registry->options['enablepms'] AND $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['pmquota'] AND ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel']
OR ($this->post['receivepm'] AND $this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]['pmquota'])
)) ? true : false;

// Generate Age
if ($this->registry->options['postelements'] & POST_SHOW_AGE AND ($this->post['showbirthday'] == 1 OR $this->post['showbirthday'] == 2))
if (!$this->cache['year'])
$this->cache['year'] = vbdate('Y', TIMENOW, false, false);
$this->cache['month'] = vbdate('n', TIMENOW, false, false);
$this->cache['day'] = vbdate('j', TIMENOW, false, false);
if (empty($this->cache['age'][$this->post['userid']]))
$date = explode('-', $this->post['birthday']);
if ($this->cache['year'] > $date[2] AND $date[2] != '0000')
$this->post['age'] = $this->cache['year'] - $date[2];
if ($this->cache['month'] < $date[0] OR ($this->cache['month'] == $date[0] AND $this->cache['day'] < $date[1]))

if ($this->post['age'] < 101)
$this->cache['age'][$this->post['userid']] = $this->post['age'];
$this->post['age'] = $this->cache['age'][$this->post['userid']];

// Display infractions
$show['infraction'] = ($this->post['userid'] AND ($this->registry->options['postelements'] & POST_SHOW_INFRACTION) AND (
$this->post['ipoints'] OR $this->post['warnings'] OR $this->post['infractions']) AND (
$this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canreverseinfraction']
OR $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseeinfraction']
OR $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['cangiveinfraction']
OR ($this->post['userid'] == $this->registry->userinfo['userid'] /*AND $this->registry->options['canseeown']*/)

// Moved to a function to allow child overriding, i.e. announcements

function process_signature()
if ($this->post['showsignature']
AND trim($this->post['signature']) != ''
AND (!$this->registry->userinfo['userid'] OR $this->registry->userinfo['showsignatures'])
AND $this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canusesignature']
if (isset($this->cache['sig'][$this->post['userid']]))
// already fully parsed
$this->post['signature'] = $this->cache['sig'][$this->post['userid']];
// have a mostly parsed version or no parsed version
$this->bbcode_parser->set_parse_userinfo($this->post, $this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]);
$this->post['signature'] = $this->bbcode_parser->parse(
if ($this->post['signatureparsed'] === null)
$this->sig_cache = $this->bbcode_parser->cached;

$this->cache['sig'][$this->post['userid']] = $this->post['signature'];
$this->post['signature'] = '';

* Process this post's user info assuming its a guest.
function process_unregistered_user()
global $show, $vbphrase, $vbulletin;

$this->post['rank'] = '';
$this->post['postsperday'] = 0;
$this->post['displaygroupid'] = 1;
$this->post['username'] = $this->post['postusername'];
//$this->post['usertitle'] = $vbphrase['guest'];
$this->post['usertitle'] = $this->registry->usergroupcache['1']['usertitle'];
$this->post['joindate'] = '';
$this->post['posts'] = 'n/a';
$this->post['avatar'] = '';
$this->post['profile'] = '';
$this->post['email'] = '';
$this->post['useremail'] = '';
$this->post['icqicon'] = '';
$this->post['aimicon'] = '';
$this->post['yahooicon'] = '';
$this->post['msnicon'] = '';
$this->post['skypeicon'] = '';
$this->post['homepage'] = '';
$this->post['findposts'] = '';
$this->post['signature'] = '';
$this->post['reputationdisplay'] = '';
$this->post['onlinestatus'] = '';

$show['avatar'] = false;
$show['reputation'] = false;
$show['pmlink'] = false;
$show['homepage'] = false;
$show['emaillink'] = false;
$show['profile'] = false;
$show['search'] = false;
$show['buddy'] = false;
$show['infraction'] = false;

* Processes instant messaging program icons.
function process_im_icons()

* Processes this post's IP.
function process_ip()
global $show, $vbphrase, $stylevar;

$post =& $this->post;

$this->post['iplogged'] = '';
if ($this->post['ip'] != '')
if ($this->registry->options['logip'] == 2)
$show['ip'] = true;
eval('$this->post[\'iplogged\'] = "' . fetch_template('postbit_ip') . '";');
else if ($this->registry->options['logip'] == 1 AND can_moderate($this->thread['forumid'], 'canviewips'))
$show['ip'] = false;
eval('$this->post[\'iplogged\'] = "' . fetch_template('postbit_ip') . '";');

* Parses the post for BB code.
function parse_bbcode()
$this->post['message'] = $this->bbcode_parser->parse($this->post['pagetext'], $this->forum['forumid'], $this->post['allowsmilie']);

* Processes miscellaneous post items at the beginning of the construction process.
function prep_post_start()
$this->post = array_merge($this->post, convert_bits_to_array($this->post['options'], $this->registry->bf_misc_useroptions));
$this->post = array_merge($this->post, convert_bits_to_array($this->post['adminoptions'], $this->registry->bf_misc_adminoptions));

// do word wrap
if ($this->registry->options['wordwrap'])
$this->post['title'] = fetch_word_wrapped_string($this->post['title']);
$this->post['title'] = fetch_censored_text($this->post['title']);

// init imod checkbox value
$this->post['checkbox_value'] = 0;

* Processes miscellaneous post items at the end of the construction process.
function prep_post_end()

* Postbit optimized for regular posts
* @package vBulletin
* @version $Revision: 31363 $
* @date $Date: 2009-06-29 12:16:16 -0500 (Mon, 29 Jun 2009) $
class vB_Postbit_Post extends vB_Postbit
* Reference to the words that should be highlighted in this post.
* @var array
var $highlight = null;

* Reference to the BB code parser's version of the parsed post cache array.
* @var array
var $post_cache = array();

* Determines whether this post's parsed version should be cached by the BB code parser.
* @var bool
var $cachable = false;

* Processes miscellaneous post items at the beginning of the construction process.
function prep_post_start()
$this->post['checkbox_value'] += ($this->post['visible'] == 0 OR ($this->thread['firstpostid'] == $this->post['postid'] AND $this->thread['visible'] == 0)) ? POST_FLAG_INVISIBLE : 0;
$this->post['checkbox_value'] += ($this->post['visible'] == 2 OR ($this->thread['firstpostid'] == $this->post['postid'] AND $this->thread['visible'] == 2)) ? POST_FLAG_DELETED : 0;
$this->post['checkbox_value'] += is_array($this->post['attachments']) ? POST_FLAG_ATTACH : 0;
$this->post['checkbox_value'] += $this->post['userid'] == 0 ? POST_FLAG_GUEST : 0;

* Processes miscellaneous post items at the end of the construction process.
function prep_post_end()
global $show;

// check for autoscrolling
global $postid, $onload, $threadedmode;
if ($this->post['postid'] == $postid)
$this->post['scrolltothis'] = ' id="currentPost"';
if ($threadedmode == 0)
$onload = htmlspecialchars_uni("if (document.body.scrollIntoView && (window.location.href.indexOf('#') == -1 || window.location.href.indexOf('#post') > -1)) { fetch_object('currentPost').scrollIntoView(true); }");
$this->post['scrolltothis'] = '';

// highlight words from search engine ($_REQUEST[highlight])
// Highlight word in all posts even if we link to one post since if we come from "Last Page" in thread search results, we don't only care about the last post!
if (!empty($this->highlight) AND is_array($this->highlight)) // AND ($_REQUEST['postid'] == $post['postid'] OR empty($_REQUEST['postid'])) )
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace('#(^|>)([^<]+)(?=<|$)#sUe', "\$this->process_highlight_postbit('\\2', \$this->highlight, '\\1')", $this->post['message']);
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace('#<vb_highlight>(.*)</vb_highlight>#siU', '<span class="highlight">$1</span>', $this->post['message']);

// hide edit button if they can't use it
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($this->thread['forumid']);
if (
!$this->thread['isdeleted'] AND !$this->post['isdeleted'] AND (
can_moderate($this->thread['forumid'], 'caneditposts') OR
//can_moderate($this->thread['forumid'], 'candeleteposts') OR
$this->thread['open'] AND
$this->post['userid'] == $this->registry->userinfo['userid'] AND
($forumperms & $this->registry->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['caneditpost']) AND
( $this->post['dateline'] >= (TIMENOW - ($this->registry->options['edittimelimit'] * 60)) OR
$this->registry->options['edittimelimit'] == 0
// can edit or delete this post, so show the link
$this->post['editlink'] = 'editpost.php?' . $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'do=editpost&amp;p=' . $this->post['postid'];
if ($this->registry->options['quickedit'])
$show['ajax_js'] = true;
$this->post['editlink'] = '';

if (
!$this->thread['isdeleted'] AND
!$this->post['isdeleted'] AND
$this->forum['allowposting'] AND
!$show['search_engine'] AND
($this->thread['open'] OR can_moderate($this->thread['forumid'], 'canopenclose'))
$this->post['replylink'] = 'newreply.php?' . $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'do=newreply&amp;p=' . $this->post['postid'];
if ($show['multiquote_global'])
$show['multiquote_post'] = true;
$show['multiquote_selected'] = (in_array($this->post['postid'], $this->registry->GPC['vbulletin_multiquote']));
$this->post['replylink'] = '';
$show['multiquote_post'] = false;

if (!empty($this->post['del_reason']))
$this->post['del_reason'] = fetch_censored_text($this->post['del_reason']);

$this->post['forwardlink'] = '';

$show['reportlink'] = (
AND ($this->registry->options['rpforumid'] OR
($this->registry->options['enableemail'] AND $this->registry->options['rpemail']))
$show['postcount'] = (!empty($this->post['postcount']) AND !$show['search_engine']);
$show['reputationlink'] = (
($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canuserep']
OR $this->post['userid'] == $this->registry->userinfo['userid'])
AND $this->registry->options['reputationenable']
AND $this->registry->userinfo['userid']
AND $this->post['userid']
AND $this->post['visible'] != 2
AND $this->registry->usergroupcache[$this->post['usergroupid']]['genericoptions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericoptions['isnotbannedgroup']

$show['infractionlink'] = (
// Must have 'cangiveinfraction' permission. Branch dies right here majority of the time
$this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['cangiveinfraction']
// Can not give yourself an infraction
AND $this->post['userid'] != $this->registry->userinfo['userid']
// Can not give an infraction to a post that already has one
AND empty($this->post['infraction'])
// Can not give an admin an infraction
AND !($this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]['adminpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'])
// Only Admins can give a supermod an infraction
!($this->cache['perms'][$this->post['userid']]['adminpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['ismoderator'])
OR $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel']
// Can not give guests infractions
AND $this->post['userid']

// need to see the card to be able to remove it. 'cansee' is designed for groups who can't give infractions
$canseeinfraction = (
$this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canreverseinfraction']
OR $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseeinfraction']
OR $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['cangiveinfraction']
OR ($this->post['userid'] == $this->registry->userinfo['userid'] /*AND $this->registry->options['canseeown']*/)
$show['redcard'] = ($this->post['infraction'] == 2 AND $canseeinfraction);
$show['yellowcard'] = ($this->post['infraction'] == 1 AND $canseeinfraction);
$show['moderated'] = (!$this->post['visible'] OR (!$this->thread['visible'] AND $this->post['postcount'] == 1)) ? true : false;
$show['spam'] = ($show['moderated'] AND $this->post['spamlog_postid']) ? true : false;
$show['deletedpost'] = ($this->post['visible'] == 2 OR ($this->thread['visible'] == 2 AND $this->post['postcount'] == 1)) ? true : false;


* Parses the post for BB code.
function parse_bbcode()
$this->bbcode_parser->attachments =& $this->post['attachments'];
$this->bbcode_parser->unsetattach = true;

$this->post['message'] = $this->bbcode_parser->parse(
$this->post_cache =& $this->bbcode_parser->cached;

* Callback for the regular expression that does the highlighting replacements
* @param string Text to run the search on
* @param array Array of words to highlight
* @param string String to prepend (the regex matches an extra character in the beginning)
* @return string String with words highlighted
function process_highlight_postbit($text, $words, $prepend)
$text = str_replace('\"', '"', $text);
foreach ($words AS $replaceword)
$text = preg_replace('#(?<=[\s"\]>()\',;]|^)(' . $replaceword . ')(([&\'.,:;-?!()\s"<\[]|$))#siU', '<vb_highlight>\\1</vb_highlight>\\2', $text);
//$text = preg_replace('#(?<=[^\w=])(' . $replaceword . ')(?=[^\w=])#siU', '<span class="highlight">\\1</span>', $text);

return "$prepend$text";

// #############################################################################

* Construct the icons for various instant messaging programs and set global state ($show).
* Changes are written to the $userinfo array.
* @param array Reference to an array of user info that contains IM names/numbers
* @param bool Whether to ignore the global option that determines if IM icons are shown
function construct_im_icons(&$userinfo, $ignore_off_setting = false)
global $vbulletin, $stylevar, $show, $vbphrase;

$show['hasimicons'] = false;

$userinfo['icqicon'] = '';
$userinfo['aimicon'] = '';
$userinfo['yahooicon'] = '';
$userinfo['msnicon'] = '';
$userinfo['skypeicon'] = '';

$userinfo['showicq'] = false;
$userinfo['showaim'] = false;
$userinfo['showyahoo'] = false;
$userinfo['showmsn'] = false;
$userinfo['showskype'] = false;

if ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canviewmembers'])
if (!empty($userinfo['icq']) AND ($vbulletin->options['showimicons'] OR $ignore_off_setting))
eval('$userinfo[\'icqicon\'] = "' . fetch_template('im_icq') . '";');
$userinfo['showicq'] = true;
$show['hasimicons'] = true;

if ($userinfo['aim'] != '' AND ($vbulletin->options['showimicons'] OR $ignore_off_setting))
eval('$userinfo[\'aimicon\'] = "' . fetch_template('im_aim') . '";');
$userinfo['showaim'] = true;
$show['hasimicons'] = true;

if ($userinfo['yahoo'] != '' AND ($vbulletin->options['showimicons'] OR $ignore_off_setting))
eval('$userinfo[\'yahooicon\'] = "' . fetch_template('im_yahoo') . '";');
$userinfo['showyahoo'] = true;
$show['hasimicons'] = true;

if ($userinfo['msn'] != '' AND ($vbulletin->options['showimicons'] OR $ignore_off_setting))
eval('$userinfo[\'msnicon\'] = "' . fetch_template('im_msn') . '";');
$userinfo['showmsn'] = true;
$show['hasimicons'] = true;

if ($userinfo['skype'] != '' AND ($vbulletin->options['showimicons'] OR $ignore_off_setting))
$userinfo['skypeencoded'] = urlencode($userinfo['skype']);
eval('$userinfo[\'skypeicon\'] = "' . fetch_template('im_skype') . '";');
$userinfo['showskype'] = true;
$show['hasimicons'] = true;

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('postbit_imicons')) ? eval($hook) : false;

|| ####################################################################
|| # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 31363 $
|| ####################################################################

Полностью, ошибка выглядит так;
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in /home/host700124/ФОРУМ.ru/htdocs/www/forum/includes/class_postbit.php(294) : eval()'d code on line 27

Последний раз редактировалось valera3680; 12.02.2011 в 21:41..
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[Вопрос] Помогите, ошибка с личными сообщениями Sampler vBulletin 4.x 6 14.01.2011 20:26
[Вопрос] Помогите ошибка смены пароля Shef33 vBulletin 3.х 7 16.12.2010 19:18
Что за ошибка , помогите sado vBulletin 3.х 7 24.11.2010 22:35
[Вопрос] Помогите выдает ошибка при устанвке программ wadner Nokia 13 11.09.2009 02:47
ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУИСТА. Ошибка в сертификате silin Nokia 5 30.08.2009 20:30

Текущее время: 17:45. Часовой пояс GMT +3.

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