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# MaNGOS realmd configuration file #


# LoginDatabaseInfo
# Database connection settings for the realm server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
# .;somenumber;username;password;database - use named pipes at Windows
# Named pipes: mySQL required adding "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] section my.ini
# .;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database - use Unix sockets at Unix/Linux
# Unix sockets: experimental, not tested
# LogsDir
# Logs directory setting.
# Important: Logs dir must exists, or all logs be disable
# Default: "" - no log directory prefix, if used log names isn't absolute path then logs will be
# stored in current directory for run program.
# MaxPingTime
# Settings for maximum database-ping interval (minutes between pings)
# RealmServerPort
# Default RealmServerPort
# BindIP
# Bind Realm Server to IP/hostname
# PidFile
# Realmd daemon PID file
# Default: "" - do not create PID file
# "./realmd.pid" - create PID file (recommended name)
# LogLevel
# Server console level of logging
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 0
# LogTime
# Include time in server console output [hh:mm:ss]
# Default: 0 (no time)
# 1 (print time)
# LogFile
# Logfile name
# Default: "Realmd.log"
# "" - empty name disable creating log file
# LogTimestamp
# Logfile with timestamp of server start in name
# Default: 0 - no timestamp in name
# 1 - add timestamp in name in form Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext
# LogFileLevel
# Server file level of logging
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 0
# LogColors
# Color for messages (format "normal_color details_color debug_color error_color)
# Colors: 0 - BLACK, 1 - RED, 2 - GREEN, 3 - BROWN, 4 - BLUE, 5 - MAGENTA, 6 - CYAN, 7 - GREY,
# 8 - YELLOW, 9 - LRED, 10 - LGREEN, 11 - LBLUE, 12 - LMAGENTA, 13 - LCYAN, 14 - WHITE
# Default: "" - none colors
# "13 7 11 9" - for example :)
# UseProcessors
# Used processors mask for multi-processors system (Used only at Windows)
# Default: 0 (selected by OS)
# number (bitmask value of selected processors)
# ProcessPriority
# Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)
# Default: 1 (HIGH)
# 0 (Normal)
# RealmsStateUpdateDelay
# Realm list Update up delay (updated at realm list request if delay expired).
# Default: 20
# 0 (Disabled)
# WrongPass.MaxCount
# Number of login attemps with wrong password before the account or IP is banned
# Default: 0 (Never ban)
# WrongPass.BanTime
# Duration of the ban in seconds (0 means permanent ban)
# Default: 600
# WrongPass.BanType
# Ban the IP or account on which login is attempted
# Default: 0 (Ban IP)
# 1 (Ban Account)
# Auto Registration setting
# Default: 0 (not to use)
# 1 (Use)
# Amount account registered on IP (Used only Auto Registration)
# Default: 0 (not to use)
# 1 or more

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;mangos;realmd"
LogsDir = ""
MaxPingTime = 30
RealmServerPort = 3724
BindIP = ""
PidFile = ""
LogLevel = 0
LogTime = 0
LogFile = "Realmd.log"
LogTimestamp = 0
LogFileLevel = 0
LogColors = ""
UseProcessors = 0
ProcessPriority = 1
RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 20
WrongPass.MaxCount = 0
WrongPass.BanTime = 600
WrongPass.BanType = 0
UseAutoReg = 0
AmountIP = 0

# ScriptDev2 Configuration file
# This file must be placed within the directory which holds mangosd.conf and realmd.conf

# Database connection settings for the world server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
# .;somenumber;username;password;database - use named pipes at Windows
# Named pipes: mySQL required adding "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] section my.ini
# .;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database - use Unix sockets at Unix/Linux
# Unix sockets: experimental, not tested
ScriptDev2DatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;mangos;scriptdev2"

# EventAI Error reporting
# 0 - Only startup (Default)
# 1 - Startup errors and Runtime event errors
# 2 - Startup errors, Runtime event errors, and Creation errors
EAIErrorLevel = 1

Помоги настроить рейты,в последнем конфиге мне сказали что там настройка рейтов,или пред последнем, посмотри,а то я не очень шарю в англ.

ну нащет рейтав там нечего не написано вот примерно так далжно быть написано

# Контроль рейтов, плавающие значения
RateXp = 1000.
RateSp = 1000.
RatePartyXp = 3.
RatePartySp = 3.
RateDropAdena = 5000.
RateConsumableCost = 0.
RateDropItems = 1.
RateDropBossItems = 0.
RateDropStone = 0.
RateDropSpoil = 0.
RateDropManor = 0
RateDropQuest = 60.
RateQuestsReward = 0.
RateKarmaExpLost =0
RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 0

и каке шас у тебя рейты стоят х2?

попробуй так local IP;internet IP
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