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Кстати у меня тоже такая проблема, все в настройках правильно стоит в php тоже все правильно стоит, но пишет На вашем сервере обнаружены устаревшие настройки в php.ini, а именно включен magic_quotes_gpc. Сначала тоже искал проблему, потом плюнул и не чего делать не стал. Ведь в php.ini все правильно стоит. С такой ошибкой сайт работает около 1 года и все нормально. Версия 9.2.
Создал файл php.ini , закинул его в корень сайта , и надпись в панеле пропала.
Если кому нада вот код файла
Нажми для просмотра
; Синтаксис файла: "директива = значение"
; Знак комментария в php.ini - ";" (точка с запятой). Все, что находится в строке после ";" не воспринимается PHP

; Language Options ;

engine = On ; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache
short_open_tag = On ; Разрешает заключать PHP-код в короткие тэги <? ?>
asp_tags = Off ; allow ASP-style <% %> tags
precision = 14 ; number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers
y2k_compliance = Off ; whether to be year 2000 compliant (will cause problems with non y2k compliant browsers)
output_buffering= Off ; Output buffering allows you to send header lines (including cookies)
; even after you send body content, in the price of slowing PHP's
; output layer a bit.
; You can enable output buffering by in runtime by calling the output
; buffering functions, or enable output buffering for all files
; by setting this directive to On.
implicit_flush = Off ; Implicit flush tells PHP to tell the output layer to flush itself
; automatically after every output block. This is equivalent to
; calling the PHP function flush() after each and every call to print()
; or echo() and each and every HTML block.
; Turning this option on has serious performance implications, and
; is generally recommended for debugging purposes only.
allow_call_time_pass_reference = On ; whether to enable the ability to force arguments to be
; passed by reference at function-call time. This method
; is deprecated, and is likely to be unsupported in future
; versions of PHP/Zend. The encouraged method of specifying
; which arguments should be passed by reference is in the
; function declaration. You're encouraged to try and
; turn this option Off, and make sure your scripts work
; properly with it, to ensure they will work with future
; versions of the language (you will receive a warning
; each time you use this feature, and the argument will
; be passed by value instead of by reference).

; Safe Mode
safe_mode = Off
safe_mode_exec_dir =
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ ; Setting certain environment variables
; may be a potential security breach.
; This directive contains a comma-delimited
; list of prefixes. In Safe Mode, the
; user may only alter environment
; variables whose names begin with the
; prefixes supplied here.
; By default, users will only be able
; to set environment variables that begin
; with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR).
; Note: If this directive is empty, PHP
; will let the user modify ANY environment variable!

safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ; This directive contains a comma-
; delimited list of environment variables,
; that the end user won't be able to
; change using putenv().
; These variables will be protected
; even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is
; set to allow to change them.

disable_functions = ; В целях безопасности, позволяет запретить выполнение указаных функций

; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode. Anything that's acceptable in <font color=???> would work.
highlight.string = #DD0000
highlight.comment = #FF8000
highlight.keyword = #007700
highlight.bg = #FFFFFF
highlight.default = #0000BB
highlight.html = #000000

; Misc
expose_php = On ; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the
; server (e.g., by adding its signature to the Web server header).
; It is no security threat in any way, but it makes it possible
; to determine whether you use PHP on your server or not.

; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 30 ; Максимальное кол-во секунд исполнения скрипта
memory_limit = 16M ; Максимум оперативной памяти, которую может взять себе скрипт

; Error handling and logging ;
; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error reporting level
; E_ALL - All errors and warnings
; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors
; E_WARNING - run-time warnings (non fatal errors)
; E_PARSE - compile-time parse errors
; E_NOTICE - run-time notices (these are warnings which often result from a bug in
; your code, but it's possible that it was intentional (e.g., using an
; uninitialized variable and relying on the fact it's automatically
; initialized to an empty string)
; E_CORE_ERROR - fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup
; E_CORE_WARNING - warnings (non fatal errors) that occur during PHP's initial startup
; E_COMPILE_ERROR - fatal compile-time errors
; E_COMPILE_WARNING - compile-time warnings (non fatal errors)
; E_USER_ERROR - user-generated error message
; E_USER_WARNING - user-generated warning message
; E_USER_NOTICE - user-generated notice message

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ; Показывать все ошибки, кроме замечаний
display_errors = On ; Вывод ошибок в браузер. Для облегчения отладки сценариев
display_startup_errors = Off ; Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during
; PHP's startup sequence are not displayed. It's strongly
; recommended to keep display_startup_errors off, except for
; when debugging.
log_errors = On ; Запись ошибок в файл журнала
track_errors = Off ; Store the last error/warning message in $php_errormsg (boolean)
;error_prepend_string = "<font color=ff0000>" ; строка вставляемая перед сообщением об ошибки
;error_append_string = "</font>" ; строка вставляемая после сообщения об ошибки
error_log = error_log ;
error_log = error_log ;
warn_plus_overloading = Off ; warn if the + operator is used with strings

; Data Handling ;
; Note - track_vars is ALWAYS enabled as of PHP 4.0.3
variables_order = "EGPCS" ; Порядок, в котором PHP будет регистрировать перменные (E - встроенные переменные, G - GET переменные, P - POST переменные, C - Cookies, S - сессии). Отсутствие какой-либо из букв не позволит вам работать с соответствующими переменными
register_globals = Off ; Возможность обращения к переменным, поступающим через GET/POST/Cookie/сессии, как к обычным переменным (например, "$переменная")
register_argc_argv = On ; This directive tells PHP whether to declare the argv&argc
; variables (that would contain the GET information). If you
; don't use these variables, you should turn it off for
; increased performance
post_max_size = 55M ; Максимальный объём данных который может быть принят
gpc_order = "GPC" ; Устаревшая директива. Используйте variables_order

; Magic quotes
magic_quotes_gpc = Off ; Включение автоматической обработки кавычек, поступающих через POST/GET/Cookie
magic_quotes_runtime = Off ; magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
magic_quotes_sybase = Off ; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \')

; автоматически добавлять файл к началу или концу PHP документа
auto_prepend_file =
auto_append_file =

; As of 4.0b4, PHP always outputs a character encoding by default in
; the Content-type: header. To disable sending of the charset, simply
; set it to be empty.
; PHP's built-in default is text/html
default_mimetype = "text/html"
default_charset = "windows-1251"

; Paths and Directories ;
include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php" ;
doc_root = ; the root of the php pages, used only if nonempty
user_dir = ; the directory under which php opens the script using /~username, used only if nonempty
extension_dir = ./ ; directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside
enable_dl = On ; Whether or not to enable the dl() function.
; The dl() function does NOT properly work in multithreaded
; servers, such as IIS or Zeus, and is automatically disabled on them.

; File Uploads ;
file_uploads = On ; Разрешает загрузку файлов
;upload_tmp_dir = ; Каталог для временных закачанных файлов (не забудте создать этот каталог!)
upload_max_filesize = 5M ; Максимальный размер закачиваемого файла

; Dynamic Extensions ;
; Если Вам нужно динамически подгрузит какойли модуль, используйте следующию директиву
; синтаксис: extension=modulename.extension
; например,
; extension=php_templates.so
; подключит модуль php phpTemplates

; Module Settings ;

define_syslog_variables = Off ; Whether or not to define the various syslog variables,
; e.g. $LOG_PID, $LOG_CRON, etc. Turning it off is a
; good idea performance-wise. In runtime, you can define
; these variables by calling define_syslog_variables()

[mail function]
;sendmail_from = me@localhost.com ;
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i ;

debugger.host = localhost
debugger.port = 7869
debugger.enabled = False

; These configuration directives are used by the example logging mechanism.
; See examples/README.logging for more explanation.
;logging.method = db
;logging.directory = /path/to/log/directory

sql.safe_mode = Off

mysql.allow_persistent = On ; allow or prevent persistent link
mysql.max_persistent = -1 ; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
mysql.max_links = -1 ; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit
mysql.default_port = ; default port number for mysql_connect(). If unset,
; mysql_connect() will use the $MYSQL_TCP_PORT, or the mysql-tcp
; entry in /etc/services, or the compile-time defined MYSQL_PORT
; (in that order). Win32 will only look at MYSQL_PORT.
mysql.default_socket = ; default socket name for local MySQL connects. If empty, uses the built-in
; MySQL defaults
mysql.default_host = ; default host for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
mysql.default_user = ; default user for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
mysql.default_password = ; default password for mysql_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
; Note that this is generally a *bad* idea to store passwords
; in this file. *Any* user with PHP access can run
; 'echo cfg_get_var("mysql.default_password")' and reveal that
; password! And of course, any users with read access to this
; file will be able to reveal the password as well.

pgsql.allow_persistent = On ; allow or prevent persistent link
pgsql.max_persistent = -1 ; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit
pgsql.max_links = -1 ; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent). -1 means no limit

bcmath.scale = 0 ; number of decimal digits for all bcmath functions

;browscap = extra/browscap.ini

session.save_handler = files ; Хранить данные сессий в файлах
session.save_path = /tmp ; Папка для хранения файлов сессий (не забудте создать этот каталог!)
session.use_cookies = 1 ; Использовать cookie в сессиях
session.name = PHPSESSID ; Исользовать в качестве имени сессии и сессионной cookie ID сессии
session.auto_start = 1 ; Запрет на инициализацию сессии при начале соединения
session.cookie_lifetime = 0 ; Время жизни сессионных cookie ("0" - до закрытия окна браузера)
session.cookie_path = / ; the path the cookie is valid for
session.cookie_domain = ; the domain the cookie is valid for
session.serialize_handler = php ; handler used to serialize data
; php is the standard serializer of PHP
session.gc_probability = 1 ; percentual probability that the
; 'garbage collection' process is started
; on every session initialization
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 ; after this number of seconds, stored
; data will be seen as 'garbage' and
; cleaned up by the gc process
session.referer_check = ; check HTTP Referer to invalidate
; externally stored URLs containing ids
session.entropy_length = 0 ; how many bytes to read from the file
session.entropy_file = ; specified here to create the session id
; session.entropy_length = 16
; session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom
session.cache_limiter = nocache ; set to {nocache,private,public} to
; determine HTTP caching aspects
session.cache_expire = 180 ; document expires after n minutes
session.use_trans_sid = 1 ; ID сессии будут добавляться ко всем ссылкам на странице автоматически (если у пользователя отключены cookie)
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